Freedom Psychiatry Blog


January 31, 2019 Psychiatry

Your morning alarm blares from the night stand next to as you scramble to turn it off. It’s the beginning of a new day and immediately your mind races with thoughts of meetings, deadlines, and “to-dos”. Notifications from Twitter, Facebook, and your E-mail come flooding in only to add to your tension.

It’s only 6am and you’re overwhelmed…sound familiar?

For many people, this routine is normal.

Thanks to technology and our inability to disconnect, it feels like there’s no break from stress. We’ve come to accept stress as
part of our culture. In fact, some people wear it like a badge of pride because stressed out people are successful, hard-working people-right?

Maybe. But, you don’t have to let stress lead you down the path to exhaustion and mental burnout in order to be successful. Even though stress might seem harmless, it can have a big impact on your health and wellness.

Some stress is good stress.

Stress has been a part of life since the dawn of time-literally! Our human ancestors developed the fight-or-flight response for safety. They used it to escape danger or fight off predators. It was, as the name suggested, associated with survival situations where you could fight or flight.

We all still have the fight or flight response. It’s part of what keeps us safe from dangers even today. It’s through the release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, the ‘fight or flight’ response has rapid effects on multiple bodily systems. Increased heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, sweat, and loss of focus are just a few physical symptoms.

These symptoms are usually temporary and sometimes essential for our wellbeing. What if you accidentally walked into a cross walk and a car zoomed by? You might experience all of the physical symptoms because of the hormone release, but you jumped back (without thinking) because of your flight-or-fight response. This type of temporary stress is normal and is not considered an illness.

How much stress is too much?

When your stress response becomes prolonged (or chronic), it has a much different effect on your body. Consequently, long-term stress can negatively impact your physical and mental health. Chronic stress has been linked to increased heart rate, high blood pressure,forgetfulness, weight gain, and a variety of other negative conditions. Unfortunately, people who experience long-term stress are more likely to experience increased anxiety and depression. Stress can impact the way you deal with emotions and behaviors.

PTSD and Stress

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can occur in people who’ve experience a traumatic event. PTSD can cause stress, anxiety, and the build up of many other physical and mental health conditions.

One small exposure to trauma can lead to PTSD.

Something that might seem like a “small trauma” to one person could lead to PTSD in another. This is why it’s essential to receive a personal evaluation so you can get on the road to wellness.

Dr. Madaram is here to help you navigate life’s challenges. He takes a holistic approach to healing that will help you manage stress in your life. Call today!


January 18, 2019 Psychiatry

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that develops in those who’ve experienced trauma, a dramatic situation, or dangerous event. It’s natural to feel scared, shocked, and anxious after a traumatic event. In fact, the body’s ‘flight-or-flight’ response is meant to protect a person from harm.

There’s a wide range of reaction to trauma.

A lot of people recover from trauma naturally but, for those who don’t, PTSD might develop. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misconceptions surrounding PTSD and those who suffer. Here’s what you need to know.

Time Heals All

Trauma Trauma can linger for decades beyond the initial experience. It can interfere with your daily life and growth. For some, untreated trauma can become part of their identity over the years. Someone with symptoms of PTSD should not rely on time as a healing mechanism.

Only The Weak Develop PTSD

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Though it’s unknown why some people develop PTSD and other don’t, inner strength has nothing to do with it. PTSD is a disorder that should be treated by a qualified professional.

I Should Be Able To Control This Alone

Wrong! This type of thinking adds to the stigma surrounding mental health conditions. You wouldn’t hesitate to see a doctor for a broken ankle, and you shouldn’t hesitate to get help for PTSD either.

Certain groups are more reluctant to reach out than others-especially men. No one should suffer alone. Dr. Madaram is a member of the military himself. He has a special interest in military personnel and veterans who suffer with depression, anxiety, PTSD and other disorders that interfere with their lives.


January 10, 2019 Psychiatry

Experiencing any sort of trauma can be a life-changing event. If you’ve lost something crucial to your well-being, you can’t often tell what the outcome will be. Sometimes losses can be caused by a disorder that drives you to do things you wouldn’t normally do.

And when that happens, you can feel pretty helpless and powerless.

Trauma recovery can be a challenge, but with the right support, there are ways to recover, rebuild, and move forward with your life.

Start By Labeling Your Feelings

When you feel powerless, you feel afraid to express your needs because you fear that even more will be taken from you. When you start the path to recovery, small steps can have a BIG impact. Put one foot in front of the other each day. Start by talking about how you feel and why. When you identify and engage in your emotions, you can slowly start to take positive action.

Develop The Right Mindset

As you try to move away from trauma, having the right mindset is essential to recovery. Find ways to help you stay present. Try to live in the moment. Develop an attitude of gratitude to help you find the good in each day. This can help slowly build up your self-esteem and confidence.

Healing after trauma starts with believing in yourself and the potential you have. Let Dr. Madarm take of of the “hows” of recovery at Freedom Psychiatry.

Dr. Madaram offers adult and pediatric trauma treatment to help you find ways to recover. Through talking therapy modalities like CBT and EMDR, and medicine if needed, he can help you find your footing and overcome PTSD. Everyone has the strength to overcome challenges. Sometimes, you just need a little help to find it.

Let Dr. Madaram get you on the path to healing through finding yourself. Call Today (919) 802-1417


December 20, 2018 Psychiatry

The holidays can be a time of grief and sadness for those suffering from loss. Grief can be encompassing. It can come in overwhelming waves that make it difficult to cope. With the sights and sounds of holiday cheer all around, how can someone suffering from grief find relief?

Understanding Grief

Grief is a natural, emotional reaction to loss or change. It can cause you to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, depressed or angry. Grief can leave you stunned and left wondering if you’ll ever recognize your life again. The truth is, healing is a journey that doesn’t happen overnight.

To start, be kind to yourself.

Let yourself feel.

Label your emotions and don’t believe you have to “feel” a certain way. Accepting and acknowledging the pain is better than constant avoidance Give yourself permission to grieve.

Find Support on Your Healing Journey

Another essential element to healing is finding the right support system. Don’t be afraid to reach out when you feel lonely. Don’t put your emotional needs on the back burner. Sometimes, you might have to reach out because friends and family members might feel uncomfortable talking about your grief. They might think that you don’t want to talk about it. Even on the hardest days, remember that grief is a part of healing.

Be sure to set boundaries.

Caving into pressure or pretending to be “OK” can make your pain and grief even worse. Avoidance can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drug or alcohol use. One of the best ways to deal with grief is to seek the help of a mental health professional.

Dr. Madaram at Freedom Psychiatry believes that everyone has the strength to overcome challenges. Sometimes he needs to help you find it. In fact, sometimes he believes his role is showing you the way to find it yourself.

This holiday season, remember that the best gift you can give yourself is to be kind and true to yourself. Commit to living life as the best version of YOU possible. Be kind to yourself as you adjust to loss and deal with grief. We’re here for you! Give us as call today 919-802-1417


November 20, 2018 Psychiatry

Is stress just a normal part of life? After all, doesn’t everyone experience it to some degree?

Stress in modern-day society seems to be just as common as the cup of morning coffee. Whether you chalk it up to a looming deadline at work or upcoming big event, stress can have an impact on your overall health in many ways.

What is Stress?

Stress is how the brain and body respond to demands. In life, there are demands we face daily. Work, physical activity, school, life events…even trauma. Stress grows and continues to build overtime.

You might notice that you are more on-edge….or sleeping less? How about your mood swings and rising anxiety levels?

It is important to pay attention to how you deal with minor (and major) stress events so that you know when to seek help. Many mental health disorders can lead to other chronic diseases. If you answer “Yes” to any of the questions below, it might be time to get help with managing your stress.

1. You develop new physical symptoms.

Different people may feel stress in different ways. For example, some people experience headaches while others can’t sleep. Digestive problems are also common for people with stress-related disorders. When you start to notice chronic, physical symptoms develop as a result of your stress…it’s time to get professional help.

2. You become obsessive and/or compulsive.

Stress can make some feel like they’ve lost control. In an effort to regain control of one’s thoughts, anxiety, and overall health, you might develop start to develop obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are involuntary thoughts, or impulses that occur repetitively in your mind. Compulsions are behaviors or routines that make you feel driven to act out again and again. This type of behavior is commonly known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. It can interfere with your daily quality of life.

3. You are scarred by a traumatic event.

PTSD and trauma can leave you with psychological injury that can be shattering… and prevent you from functioning… or living a rewarding life, even if there’s no injury that you can see. Traumatic experiences so terrible, so painful, so utterly shocking and terrifying…that thoughts of it and the memories come back and make you feel like it’s happening again. Over and over. And when that happens, it can drive you to do things you wouldn’t normally do. It can severely interfere with your life.

4. Your energy levels drop.

When you are stressed, many systems in your body are affected including your nervous system. Your body might shift its energy resources to fight off perceived threats developed by anxiety. You might experience an change in hormones or a spike in blood pressure. All of these factors can leave you feeling tired, exhausted, and overwhelmed.

5. You develop unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Abusing prescription medication, drinking in access, spending too much, or sleeping too much (or too little) are just a few red flags. Stress-related disorders can have a BIG impact on your overall health and wellness. This is why it’s imperative that you seek treatment at the earliest sign of a problem.

Dr. Madaram’s perspective is that everyone has the strength to overcome challenges. Sometimes he needs to help you find it. In fact, sometimes he believes his role is showing you the way to find it yourself.

Let’s Talk Today!


November 7, 2018 Psychiatry

Has anyone ever told you to “look at the big picture” in life?

Goodness, completion, and restoration are all part of the big picture.  It’s the optimal state. Looking at the big picture is exactly what we do at Freedom Psychiatry.

Holistic Psychiatry is about looking at each person wholly. It’s about helping patients thrive by integrating their mind, body, and emotions. It’s about looking at the big picture instead of just one’s psychiatric symptoms.

How Does It Work?

When we address the whole person, we try to identify the obstacle(s) preventing them from thriving. It’s about finding the root cause of your psychiatric symptoms that might be effecting you physically and emotionally as well. We provide a warm and inviting environment for our patients. We care about finding solutions to get to the root of the problem.

It’s not just about covering it up as a short term solution. Holistic Psychiatry is much more! It’s about restoration in life. Restoring a patient’s thoughts, emotions, and body because they are all connected.

Mental vs. Emotional Health

Mental and emotional health are connected, but they are not interchangeable. Recognizing the difference between the two can help people better understand our holistic approach.

Scientifically speaking, mental health is often defined by a person’s behaviors related to the brain. Mental illnesses are actually caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. They can be hereditary or caused by other factors. Mental illnesses should be treated just as you’d treat any physical illness.

Our mental health is an essential part of our overall, holistic health.

On the other hand, emotions are an instinctive, natural state of mind. They’re a result of our circumstances, mood, and other factors that affect the way we feel. Many times negative emotions or feelings develop through trauma, difficult life situations, or unhealthy stress.

It’s hard to tell the differences between mental and emotional health issues which is why we’re here to help create mental and emotional freedom for your entire family.

Holistic Healing

If you or a loved one is suffering from unhealthy stress, trauma, anxiety, depression or any other mental or emotional health illness, we’re here for you. A more fulfilling and rewarding life awaits!

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