Freedom Psychiatry Blog


December 6, 2018 Psychiatry

The holidays are known as the most wonderful time of the year!

A time meant for relaxing and spending time with the people you love. However, in reality, the holidays are filled with stress of all varieties. Many of us are out of our daily routines and overloaded with sugar and other holiday treats. Add to that the stress of gift giving, decorating, entertaining and it’s no wonder people develop holiday burnout.

Here are some ways you can stay healthy, happy and enjoy the holidays more this year…

Say “NO”

Don’t be afraid to say “no” so you don’t overcommit. There’s a lot of stress associated with holidays from attending events to buying everyone a gift. Overcommitment in these areas of your life can lead to burnout. Instead of attending the entire party, try staying for an hour. If finances are a strain, give gifts of love and gratitude that don’t cost a penny.

Maintain Routines

Long nights, poor diets, and lack of exercise can really impact your mental health and mood. Focus on staying grounded in your healthy routines. Overeating, drinking, and excess sugar this time of year can all affect your mood. Be mindful and enjoy the holidays responsibly.


Society puts a lot of pressure on us this time of year! There are so many things we are supposed to do this holiday season that might not be part of what you actually want to do. Forget about decorating, baking, and caroling if they don’t make you happy. Prioritize your health and happiness. Make a “to do” list and create a plan that allows you to tackle a little each day.

Most importantly, slow down and take it all in. Don’t give into the pressures of stress and perfection we see this time of year. If you need help finding mental or emotional freedom for you or a loved one, Dr. Madaram can help create a wellness plan for you.


November 15, 2018 Psychiatry

Have you ever experienced something traumatic? An event so incredibly frightening or distressing that its shaken you to your core?

Maybe you’ve served in military combat or survived canceror a car crash

Whatever the cause, trauma is real.

Psychological (or emotional trauma) can change the way you think, the way you feel, and the way you react. Trauma can rewire your brain and present challenges in your daily life. It can leave you feeling broken and depressed. People are not impacted by trauma in the same way. However, there are a few things we know about changes in the brain from trauma.

The Wounds You Can’t See

In some cases, the physical scars of trauma are lifelong, visible reminders. On the other hand, emotional trauma is about what’s happening inside your brain. These scars aren’t always visible, but they are very real.

Trauma: Your Thoughts

Trauma can rewire the way a person thinks. One area associated with thinking is the prefrontal cortex (PFC). It contributes to our rational thought process, problem-solving abilities, and sense of empathy and compassion. It helps us think clearly, make decisions, and create awareness of ourselves and others.

Trauma: Your Emotions

The Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) is partly responsible for regulating our emotions. A non-traumatized brain is able to manage challenging thoughts without being overwhelmed or consumed by them. Trauma affects our emotional regulation abilities.

Trauma: Your Fears

Lastly, the amygdala is another very important part of the brain that’s often affected by trauma. It helps us detect threats and manage reactions. The amygdala in a traumatized brain is active often causing fear, stress, and panic in unwarranted situations.

Hope and Healing

Approximately 50 percent of the population will experience a traumatic event at some point in their lives. Remember, everyone experiences trauma differently. Trauma is not a competition. It is a very personal experience. For that reason, trauma can look completely different from one individual to another.

Everyone has different triggers and levels of stress caused by trauma. Some people will develop PTSD and some won’t. It’s important to remember, in a world full of comparison, that we should not compare our traumas. Feeling guilty because “it was nearly as bad as…” is not part of the healing process.

Your trauma is uniquely yours. It hurts YOU because it is real. Allow yourself to feel…to grieve.

What matters most is healing. Dr. Madaram’s perspective is that everyone has the strength to overcome challenges. Sometimes he needs to help you find it. In fact, sometimes he believes his role is showing you the way to find it yourself.

But, you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s Talk 

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