Trauma and Loss

Trauma and PTSD

Adult and pediatric trauma treatment skillfully administered, brings peace, understanding, and empowerment, that you’ve been unable to find for yourself.

You’re in pain. Someone, or something, has taken from you parts of your life that weren’t theirs to take. You feel cheated. Robbed. Stripped and abandoned. And PTSD and trauma appear all too soon.


An attack on your person and your safety can happen in combat, in a This woman's trauma and PTSD can heal with adult and pediatric trauma treatment.dark alley, or in broad daylight. Physical injury can leave you unable to to live the way you used to.

PTSD and trauma can leave you with  psychological injury can be even more  shattering… and prevent you from functioning… or living a rewarding life, even if there’s no injury that you can see.

Maybe the life you’ve worked so hard to build for so, so long has turned upside down. Maybe you’ve succeeded and you got really close to your goals, only to lose everything in what seemed like a moment.

Loss is traumatic. Whether it’s the loss of a friend or family member, loss of your health, loss of your sense of security and safety, or loss of your home and savings, severe loss can be traumatic.

It can leave you unable to cope, reacting to small things as though they were BIG things.

Maybe it was the loss of your innocence, or the innocence of your child. Or maybe it was betrayal.  It could have been a terrible accident.

Loss causes an assault on your senses, your thoughts, your resilience. And when it happens, you’re shocked…frozen…devastated. It may be the end of your marriage, or the death of someone you love, or it may be the loss of your peace after abuse or active combat. Trauma and loss can be devastating.

PTSD and Trauma

If you’ve lost something crucial to your well-being, you can’t often tell Trauma and PTSD follow loss of property or can happen to first responders.what the outcome will be.

You’re so stunned, and you wonder if you’ll ever be ok again. You may wonder if you’ll ever recognize your life again. And you may not have a clue what to do about this paralyzed state you’re in.

Thankfully, you’re here.

Freedom Psychiatry is here for you to help you navigate the choppy waters of healing, restoration, and resolution.

Sometimes losses can be caused by a disorder that drives you to do things you wouldn’t normally do. And when that happens, you can feel pretty helpless.



Kondal Madaram, M.D., offers adult and pediatric trauma treatment at Freedom Psychiatry to help you find the way to recover, rebuild, and move forward. Through talking, therapy modalities like CBT and EMDR, and medicine if needed, he can help you find your footing.

Trauma and PTSD…and humiliation, along with symptoms of psychiatric disorders, only intensify feelings of powerlessness.

It’s not at all uncommon to lose sight of your own capability, your own inner anchor. But Dr. Madaram is committed to shine a light to help you see what’s within you.

In spite of symptoms, in spite of self-doubt, in spite of what people have said to you…and in spite of all that’s happened…  he can explore with you the strength and ability you’ve lost touch with, to get you plugged back in to your best capacity for living well.


Post-traumatic-stress-disorder is a condition that sometimes results Trauma and PTSD can heal with adult and pediatric trauma treatment.when the traumatic experience is so terrible, so painful, so utterly shocking and terrifying…that thoughts of it and the memories…come back and make you feel like it’s happening again.  Over and over.  For years.

And when that happens, it can drive you to do things you wouldn’t normally do. It can severely interfere with your life.

But you can heal from trauma and PTSD.

Dr. Madaram’s perspective is that everyone has the strength to overcome challenges. Sometimes he needs to help you find it. In fact, sometimes he believes his role is showing you the way to find it yourself.

Of course, he’ll add medicines to the therapy if they’re needed to reduce symptoms enough that you can think and process your thoughts or feelings.  

Adult and Pediatric Trauma Treatment

But there are so many other ways he can help you rebuild yourself that will bring stability, hope, and a renewed belief in yourself…and those changes will last longer than any medicine.  They’ll last indefinitely.

Each step, each victory, strengthens your own personal foundation, and builds a foundation for your restoration and eventual fulfillment.

If you’ve suffered loss, if you feel confused, if you’re in pain, call Freedom Psychiatry. Adult and pediatric trauma treatment at its best awaits you. Let us help you heal and move forward in your relationships, your work, and your personal peace and fulfillment.


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We accept only a few patients per day, so we can dedicate time to evaluate each patient comprehensively in a holistic fashion, Each patient will receive a needs assessment evaluation by the social work staff initially and then discuss your case with Dr. Madaram to determine the best course of action.

Schedule an appointment for evaluation now.

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